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Ryan García tests positive for Ostarine and is suspended for 1 year

Ryan García tests positive for Ostarine and is suspended for 1 year

In a day full of twists and surprises, Ryan García, the boxing media star, has been suspended for one year due to a doping case. The New York State Athletic Commission made the decision after a positive test for ostarine, a performance-enhancing substance, in the counteranalysis. The news, reported by Mike Coppinger on ESPN, has shaken the boxing world and left Garcia at a crossroads.

An Annulled Triumph and its Record at Stake

In early May, Garcia, 25, tested positive in a drug test taken the day before and the day of his fight against Devin Haney on April 20, 2024. In response to this scandal, Garcia defended his honor on Twitter : "Everyone knows I don't cheat and I've never taken a steroid."

The sanction not only leaves García out of the ring for a year, but also nullifies his victory over Devin Haney. Haney regains his undefeated status with an official record of 31-0. Additionally, Garcia will lose $1 million in earnings and must pay a $10,000 fine. "The facts are the facts and I wasn't on a level playing field. Happy to have been able to receive justice for what happened," Haney said on ESPN, thanking the commission and fans for their support.

The Defense of García and his Team

Despite the suspension, García and his team maintain his innocence, claiming that he "never intentionally took any prohibited substance." They argue that the positive results were due to "substance contamination." This defense, however, has not mitigated the impact of the sanction.

Reactions on Social Networks: "Boxing is Dead"

García, known for his forceful statements on social networks, was quick to express his frustration. After learning of the suspension, he tweeted: "I'm retired. I'll be back in a year." In subsequent messages, García expressed feeling "deceived" and declared: "I hate everyone" and "boxing is dead." His followers were left in suspense when, after announcing his retirement, he rectified with a message of hope: "It's okay. I'm retired. I'll be back in a year."

An uncertain future

Ryan Garcia's future in boxing is now full of uncertainty. Meanwhile, the boxing world will continue to pay close attention to his every move and statement, waiting to see how this controversial saga will unfold. What is clear is that García's career has reached a critical point, and only time will tell how he will overcome this obstacle and if he will be able to return to the ring with the same strength and determination that has always characterized him.


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